Journals, interviews and questionnaires are used to collect information about the learning process of our students and also their background, actually, it can be said that these three methods of collecting information can be used for many purposes.
Let's check a little bit closer, do you have any idea of how many things can you analyze from a simple note or from the words that a person decide to use when talking?
There are many things behind this, that's why it's extremely important to think carefully before talking and even more significant before writing. Our words can show our way of thinking, our personality, our level of education and more.
It is essential that teachers take an advantage of all their students' texts and opinions to interpret them further.
In my personal opinion I think if a teacher could analyze in a deeply way each one of his students, then he will understand the reason for almost everything that happens in his classroom.
We as teachers should become sometimes in psychologists because in our job we deal constantly with people and we must know the people with whom we interact in order to understand the meaning of our job.
Journals, interviews and questionnaires are the elements that give us the chance to examine our students, how deeply we decide to do it depends on us.