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sábado, 25 de mayo de 2013


The vast majority of teachers don’t know about the importance and all factors that should be taken into account to evaluate our students. It is not just a matter of failing or passing. We have in out hands a vital function, and what we do?, well it is easier and faster doing nothing, any teacher has a reason to complicate more his life, and neither to work harder with a poor salary. We do what the institution/ school wants, and the only thing they care about are grades. So we give them grades.

It is easy to say that teachers are doing a mediocre job when you don’t have forty or fifty students in a classroom, try to teach them  a subject that most of the students hate and they think it is impossible to learn, to all these add the fact that it is necessary to ask each of those students if they have the physical and psychological conditions to take an exam. Something doesn't fix.

There is something wrong, maybe is our fault maybe not.

It is needed to change the system.

5 comentarios:

  1. It is a reality that people always is blaming teachers about those educational faults in a system, but they never stop to ask themselves if teachers are or not a product of a limited system. I agree with your idea that the system has to be rewritten because it does not contemplate the axiological part in the learning process and feelings in a student that at the moment of being evaluated play an important role when he or she gets a grade. Finally, if we can integrate assessment and evaluation into one stream,the achivements of our students will be much better in a near future.

  2. The thing is when the system force us to reduce everything, and to do that we need a lot of time, and sometimes even when teachers have the willingness to do something better there is no time to do it, however we can't ignore the fact that the most of the teachers prefer to do things that cause less effort because we just have to meet certain requirements and if we don't do it we get fired. In cunclusion we must change the system.

  3. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  4. Ok, that point of assesseing instead of evaluatig, giving students accurate feedback, motivating them to keep on going and even designing good tests is something very important for teachers' as students´practice and process. Unfortunately, in a country like ours, it is very difficult to find lots of teachers that suit this profile, and if there are actually many of them, THAT'S TERRIFIC! THAT'S THE IDEA... but DO WE HAVE ALL THE TIME IN THE WORLD TO DO IT? IS IT SO EASY? I'm afraid it isn't. Few are those who consider our job as something valuable.... I think every field has its own art, learning anything you need or want is wonderful; but sometimes we underestimate some people's jobs like ours. For example, an architect designs, guides people to construct buildings and so on and so forth, but WE, we help people construct their own buildings, thoughts, knowledge. That's not an easy job, we have to dedicate a lot of time, but there isn't any "wage reward" for doing so. Each art diserves many benefits, teaching/assessing is an art too, but I don't see any benefits or appreciation from society...
